Originally Posted by HKYStormFront
had a great time as usual! good to see everyone! hate i didn't get a chance to hang out with more of you guys but ya'll seemed to keep to yourselves and not join the larger crowds for the most part (i'm looking at you NOVA guys lol). even tho i was in the cabin next to some of ya'll, i never even got to meet half of you guys  guess there's always next year! judging from the conversation of the staff meeting we had sunday morning, next year is going to be the best yet. start making plans now!
Patrick, that was my cabin next to the one you were in! You shoulda just come on over but I totally understand. I meant to stop over after I spotted you at the car show. I see you had a brother Frontier with ya! Maybe next year I'll trailer my Z and bring my Frontier down to join the bunch. I'll see you at either ZCon or Z Nationals for sure.