Originally Posted by modme
Here you go: HKS USA M-Series Super Fire Racing Spark Plugs
 Thanks, I appreciate it.. What heat range did you go with? Is 8 one step colder from stock or its the stock range? Is 9 two steps colder from stock?
been running these since day 1 with twin turbos.
Originally Posted by Dembflyr
Got mine from GTM. I'll have to check the part number when I get home later in the week.
Originally Posted by wstar
The ideal you're shooting for is "just cold enough to not cause any dangerous knocking" + "hot enough to keep itself clean so it doesn't foul quickly and misfire". It's a delicate balance, and going colder when you don't need to can be detrimental in the long run if those colder plugs build up carbon fouling.
Understood.. With any F/I setup though, I don't think the stock plugs were rated to handle the increased temps though.. I'd rather be safe than sorry plus zex recommends it