Translated roughly from the website...
"Development cooperative owner (NISSAN [karesuto]) from report When the first prototype is installed, it could not be satisfied either the sound quality and design, and that you expressed the varieties and opinion, passing previous arrangement, until completion you made on an experimental basis over ten sets, with thing, I had making several sets inside that look, but hardship of design, efficiency and balance etc infers, chasing order, that it keeps evolving, it understood after that no degree. The eye which you saw considerably has been completed in the compact, is first impression. Until you compare with the normal muffler, searching the genuine muffler and the other imitation item mufflers without, at present time it is not found. The essential sound quality, it is volume, but as, feeling good bass is audible heavily the first engine start time, the temperature gauge rises gradually it keeps becoming quiet. It is not too noisy under any condition, it becomes matter of concern which feeling well is made to drive. When it travels, it changes to the treble with the loop effect, furthermore it is artistic like quartet of the orchestra from around 3000rpm and elegant treble sound is played. It is fuel economy, but when the muffler is changed well, depressing the accelerator, it is said that the fuel becomes bad, but erupting the engine revolution after the muffler exchanging became good, and because feeling good sound teaches the timing of speed change, became conversely fuel economy good without either pulling wastefully. Until completion the technical power of the president of [surugasupido] and everyone of the staff, we appreciate in improvement heart."