Originally Posted by ZForce
I know you have already gone for 2 alignments...but you may want to try my set up to give you more front tire grip. That is to back off the rear camber to a difference of 0.3 more postive from what you are running up front.
If I recall you are runnming:
Driver Front:
Camber: -1.4
Toe: xx
Caster: 5.4*
Pass Front:
Toe: xx
Caster: 5.7*
I would suggest running the Rear camber at -1.1 drivers side and -1.2 passenger side.
I don't have enough grip up front. Why would I want to reduce front camber?
My plan is to go with a front camber kit, and I think I'm going to try to run around 2.5* of camber up front. I'm also looking to go with a square setup, which should help dial out understeer as well.
Why do you suggest different camber on each side?