MP3s on a USB harddrive
I have 500+ CDs that I thought I'd rip to mp3 and put on a portable harddrive. I assume it'd work since the Z supports USB sticks. I think my plan may be ruined though, unless I'm reading this wrong -
Folder Levels, With navigation system:
Folder levels: 8, Folders: 255 (including root folder), Files: 512 (Max. 255 files for one folder)
It seems to say that there's a maximum TOTAL of 512 files, with a max of 255 files in one folder, but 512 across all folders combined. Surely not? That's madness.
Same deal with the max of 255 folders - doesn't sound like it's 255 subfolders per folder.
Last edited by gnznroses; 05-20-2011 at 07:55 PM.