Originally Posted by spearfish25
I have a very very hard time believing the type of oil is causing this throttle lag issue. What do you think...the engine is partially seizing and having difficulty revving?
No, guessed that perhaps the engine is pulling timing because the valvetrain noise is picked up by the knock sensor.
Really, it's been over two years, and the only thing people have done so far is get runaround from Nissan and trade the car for something else, so, don't fault me for taking a wild guess.
I don't buy it for one second. This is purely a heat soak and ECU/sensor issue. Let's not bring the 'what oil do you use' voodoo witchcraft into this topic.
I don't believe it's an issue of "what kind of oil do you use" either, in the sense you're saying, but the inconsistency in being able to reproduce the problem leads me to doubt that it is purely a heat issue.