Originally Posted by Zeto
AK just wanted to say thanks for the write up! Couldn't have been any easier 
You're welcome. Good luck with the change.
Originally Posted by mrarroyo
Does red line have shops where they change the oil? Similar to what Mobil 1 does. Thanks.
I highly doubt they have "Redline shops" but MANY shop carry redline stuff or you can simply give it to them and they will change it for you.
Originally Posted by vifferman
I'm a consumate enthusiast who has learned through trial & error to do my own oil changes. The few times I allowed the dealer or another to change my oil/filter, it ended in disaster and/or considerable consternation...overfills, leaks, lots of spilled oil dripping from the frame, et al. I'm 61 years old, and would much prefer to let someone else deal with these maintenance chores, but I do it myself simply because I don't trust anyone else to do it right. That said, I'm currently driving an Acura TSX, but thinking about the 370Z (may wait for the roadster) as a second car. There is much to like about the 370Z, but the fact that one must remove the entire engine underpan just to change the oil is nearly a deal-breaker for me. On my TSX, there's a little plastic door (flap) secured by a single bolt that must be removed to access the drain plug. That's totally acceptable. Removing the entire underpan is not. It borders on the absurd, and I would think that even the dealership techs would be upset.
As Sonic370Z posted, IT IS possible to do the oil change by removing 3 bolts toward the back of the plastic cover. I'm just an old school guy who do things the long and easy way. I like the comfort of not having anything under the car as I'm doing the oil change. If you have a motorized screwdriver, it makes your job a lot easier. But if it's too much, you can always just remove 3 bolts and get the job done.