I have heard both systems. The Stillen has a great sound, and is only slightly louder than stock and adds weight to the car. But it has the stock look, if you like that.
I have the FI 12" resonators. It is LOUD in a good way. HP gains are proven, and I often turn off the iPod just to listen to the sound. Personally, I wanted the aftermarket look and a sound that turns heads. Which it does, especially when you get on it. An exotic scream is the best way to describe it. The fit is perfect, and the construction is really impressive. Get the 18" resonators if you want to tone it down some.
Realiy though, you can't go wrong with either system. The sound, stock vs. aftermarket look, and weight gain or loss are the factors you need to consider.
I should add that I've heard clips of other systems at lower cost that sound really good. It is such a subjective decision.

Rain, snow, sleet, hail: 2009 Mazda 3 sGT HB
Everything else: 2009 370z, PW Touring 6MT