12-21-2008, 08:13 PM
#49 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Eugene, OR
Posts: 2,875
Drives: E63 AMG
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Originally Posted by SMJane_Again
Okay, I'm going to try to offer my viewpoint on this without resorting to any played out wife beating or 'if she doesn't like it, divorce the b*tch' stereotypes, because the OP MIGHT have been a little serious way back at the beginning of this. Or not. But it's a topic worthy of more than just superficially macho, flippant remarks (though there have been more than a few posts in this thread that haven't been about that and I salute you gentlemen for your insight) because things like this do come up.
I've been married for over 7 years now, and if nothing else, my wife tolerates my obsession with cars. More importantly, she understands why they mean so much to me and wants me to get one. NOT because I threatened to leave her if I didn't get one (and before I get any indignant flame-like responses, I am fully aware that the great majority of these posts were made tongue firmly in cheek) but because I was able to fully and accurately convey the import they have on my life. As a result, it's merely a matter of time and money.
So what can you do in return? Indulge in her obsessions, even if you don't share her passion for her hobby. Support her once in awhile. It's something I had to learn with practice and patience because I was extremely self-centered at the beginning of our marriage. All right, I'm done pontificating, at least for the most part. The last part I'll leave with, which dad kind of alluded to with his law quote, is the written word sometimes masks sarcasm and levity, and no matter how obvious your humor might seem to you, it may miss the mark completely with someone else. And now, back to the discussion of how you and yours can coexist with your brand new sportscar!
Great posting! I've been with my wife for 6 years, married for two, she also knew about my car obsession long before we were married. She knows I don't need a new car (have an 07) but she also knows that I work my *** off and LOVE cars. It doesn't hurt that she likes horse back riding, which is more expensive than my car hobby.