Originally Posted by Jon@AAMComp
Wow, a lot of DC hate up in this thread lol. To be quite honest, this type of stuff can happen just as easily in MoCo, NoVa or Baltimore. People have wheels stolen, cars keyed, and emblems removed in the Montgomery mall and White Flint parking lots all the time. I've been in the District in cars much nicer than a 370Z (i.e. GT-R/Porsche) and never had any problems. I've left my S outside my grandmothers house in Trinidad overnight and it was fine. Anyone who is from DC or knows of DC can agree with me in saying Trinidad is definitely no Upper Northwest.
Sorry to hear about your troubles OP, glad to see you were able to turn it into a positive. Unfortunately for us, comes with the territory of owning a nice car.

There's no crime in Baltimore. Don't believe everything you see on "The Wire".