Originally Posted by Masa
Yeah, you're right and I totally agree that it can happen anywhere. Just that if you were raised in the area you were taught to fear D.C. and PG County as places to avoid. There was another one here on the forums who got his wheels stolen over in Landover, MD. His car was parked for only an hour. Sigh, low lives! 
Definitely. We live in a nice neighborhood in the good part of Hoodbridge (generally, areas west of 95 are "safe") but just last week we had some thug types trying to get into my dad's car at night. I just hope they don't try to get into the house because in Virginia we are armed!
That's one thing I don't like about going to DC/MD... leaving my Glock behind! At least when I go to MD it's for the Z meets so there is safety in numbers. Shado will protect me.