As some of you know, birdmanx1 is currently out of the country.
I was the lucky one that got to watch his fish, get the mail, and tend to the house while he enjoyed a lovely trip.
My first day, I roll over and leave plenty of space in the driveway to take the nismo out for a spin

. What do I see? NO ******* NISMO. He must have left it elsewhere (smart man...)
Luckily, karma is a bitch. I got a txt today that his exhaust had been delivered, and he was still a few states away. As the household guardian for the time being, I told him not to worry, I would safely tend to his new exhaust.
So I roll over to casa de birdmanx1, and as expected:

And i'll tell the rest of the story via pictures.

("Bring me the nismo, and you will get your exhaust back! -rarwz")

And off I go with it!