Originally Posted by Sharif@Forged
Good discussions going on here.
We are ProTuners for both Cobb and UpRev, and have quite a bit of experience with both of them, so if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. I think we are one of the few Nissan based shops that has hands on experience tuning the Cobb AP, which we've done with the GT-R, and also the EvoX.
Hey Sharif! dont forget about me!
....as a fellow COBB GTR, Nissan, Subaru Pro-tuner...as well as Osiris....i can also answer any questions and will give my input as well....
.....Both systems are very effective when used properly....Cobb is in my opinion a more "End-user" friendly system with its Access-Port keeping your maps handy for quick changes...and as a Datalog tool....
....The Osiris software on the other hand is a bit more tech rich with its Cipher integration and "Real Time Tuning"...(unavailable for nissan on the Cobb as of now)....
Both Cobb and UPREV are devoted to their software development and it is evident in the products they put out for us!....without these companies the tuning world for nissan would be dismal...
....I cant begin to express how excited I am to finally get to spend some tuning time on the 370z!!!...this week has been an eye opener with the Cobb release....hopefully the Osiris update is not too far off.... would love to see how they stack up against each other....