Originally Posted by StreetSpeed
90 days? Who gives a crap about the first 90 days? I would expect a $6000 Kia to run like a top for the first 90 days.
I used to be brash like you when I was younger, but with time and wisdom grasped from others shooting down my comments etc., I realized I wasn't as "smart" or had foresight into everything. In other words, I was humbled to realize I wasn't the "right person" who knew all the "right things."
Anyways, my friend. This top-5 list has 3 Toyota products, 1 Hyundai and the 370. Toyota has always throughout its legacy been reputed to be durable cars with the least problems. If you read the report's captions at least, you would've realized that every car on that top-5 list had at least 100 problems per 100 cars. That means, each car could've had at least 1 problem, or none. Each car had at least a 100:100 ratio.
It helps to understand nuances.