Originally Posted by NXTAZEE
I looked at all of the photo's and none of them show his work. There are no sun shots or 50/50 pics like the one's above. Dark photos and photo's with out direct sun really show nothing. I'm not saying he isn't doing fantastic work, I'm just saying you should see for your self before you commit. $275 in and out is a very good deal if he knows what he is doing. Keep in mind that an exterior detail takes 6 - 8 hours to perform properly, plus another hour or more for the interior on a Z. So if he is going to do all this in a handful of hours I would be very concerned.
Hmm, that's exactly, what I assume he and his partner, are doing. If they are attacking it with 2 people that'd cut down on the labor time, so that knocks it to 3-4 hours given your timeframe listed, and he said it takes a couple hours - so maybe 3 hours isn't that far off.
I imagine with the high-dollar vehicles that he's worked on, probably aren't daily drivers (mine is also not), and were in good condition when he started (which mine is), so if it looked horrible when it was done, I'm sure he and his partner would be out of work.
I'll see if I can find out more about the products he's using, to see if there's a scratch filler to it or something.