Originally Posted by Joka4411
The evidence is in the puddin. Take off those intakes and see, your Z is quicker and much more powerful without out them. not trying to say your wrong about your g3s but u asked for proof.
Take them off and see with what, my butt dyno? My butt dyno's been known to be wrong 9/10 times, just like everyone else's

In any case, it should be obvious I once had stock intakes, so I did get a street driving comparison in at the time of install.
If you're going to make the argument that while the G3s look better on a dyno, stock intakes with K&N drop-ins perform better on the street, you're going to have to come up with a better testing regimen. Maybe a pair of drag strip runs, but even then weather changes while the car cools down between runs might make as much difference as intakes do.