Originally Posted by jayl
dont most mall's have cameras /recordings? What did mall security say? did you park far from others? where there cars around... what time of the day did it happen.
I talked to security, they basically told me its not there fault and to file a police report. It happened Sunday night and yes there where cars around, the parking lot was full, so it makes me wonder how nobody saw it
QUOTE=Masa;1101493]Is that the mall across the way from FedEx Field? If so, it doesn't surprise me that this happened. PG County sucks
Sorry for your loss man.

[/QUOTE] Yea man thats the one. That area truly sucks
Originally Posted by Waizzz
There is nothing worse than when your car gets messed with.
Hopefully someone steps up to let you borrow some stockers until your new wheels come in.
Originally Posted by Kirkster
PG does suck (I worked there for 6 years in the school system).
Good luck getting the PG cops to worry about "petty" crime.
Lol i know man these rims are as good as gone if PG cops "look" for em
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
That sucks man, sorry to hear about what happened. Don't have an extra set of wheels to help you out either. Hope that bastard gets caught. Do you have any pics of the rims so that we can be on the lookout?
I remember when UMD was sending out those e-mails about people stealing catalytic converters from cars on campus. Glad I didn't have a nice car at the time 