Originally Posted by SpawnAeroJohn
Buffing does not cause swirl marks. Its the dirt and dust that gets cought in the buffer do to lack of attention of where you put the pads, that causes the swirl marks.:
That is not correct. Now I'm not saying that dirt doesn't cause swirling in paint from a pad that has dirt on it, because it will, but 99.99% of the time it's from incorrect pad and polish and or compound combination with poor technique that is the cause. If, for example, you are using diminishing abrasives and you don't brake them down properly you will never get a swirl free finish. There are so many variables involved in getting a perfect finish. That is why it takes patience, knowledge and experience to achieve a perfect finish. Most detailers will not spend the time and research needed to perfect the art of polishing. They do it for the wrong reasons, all they see is $$$.