Thread: 370 Nismo Bra?
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Old 05-09-2011, 11:46 AM   #4 (permalink)
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I'm not sure why some people have such disdain for vinyl bras. I suppose if looks are all one cares about then a vinyl bra isn't for them but that's a very short-sighted view to take IMHO.

A vinyl bra will NOT scratch the paint of a vehicle nor will it discolor unless you use them improperly and don't follow directions. Further, they do what a bra is supposed to do far better than any "clear bra" ever will which is to protect the front end, not just from "bugs" but from even somewhat substantial road derbies.

All that aside, why disparage what someone wants for their vehicle just because you don't happen to like it?

I'm looking for a bra for my 2011 Nismo and may have one custom made if I can't find one already existing.
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