Originally Posted by kenchan
are you running 15mm rear and 10mm spacers in the front? 
I have 15mm in rear installed (Ichiba) and 15 mm (H&R) for the front (they are uninstalled at the moment). I need a weekend free to do the fronts along with my springs and camber arms. Weekends have been tight all year for some reason. Stupid work is overflowing its Monday through Friday boundaries on a consisten basis. On a shelf in my garage sit the springs, arms and spacers.
I am hoping the first weekend in June to be free, otherwise I am going to have to do the honorable thing and call in one day and just do it. Actually, I call it "calling in well", not sick. It is when you feel too well to go into work.
When feeling good why should one subject one's self to the assault on one's will to live that work delivers?
Have a great day, Mr. Kenchan.