Originally Posted by onzedge
Good job. 
Hahaha, went to the mall and dinner afterwards. My Fit's front disc pads are toast. I need to take it into carmax and sell it.
Originally Posted by chops
man..how many bottles of QD do you go through a month? 
I buy QD by the gallon. I use about 3 gallons per season which isn't too bad.
Originally Posted by FromG2Z
weighted??? hmmmm I never weighed the stock vs the nismo knob. It feels very solid in the hand, and movement from gear to gear has a a nice firm feel to it. I don't know if it weighs more or lighter than the oem knob. If I were to venture a guess, maybe same if not less? Maybe someone else on here who has the knob can chime in?
Thanks again. I ordered it anyway. Hahaha. Hope to have that in my hands literally by the weekend.