Those x-rays looks just slightly worse than mine did but i didnt have nearly that much tissue damage. Got hit at an angle by a woman in an SUV on her phone. She put me in a wall and my left leg got trapped between the bike and the wall. Only took 3 surgeries and 1 yr to walk slightly normal again. i got to keep the leg but the ortho surgeon said with was a 50/50 shot for a while there in the trama ward. Also, I had on full gear so nothing else was damaged except for a broken toe, ankle and hand. Helmet took the full brunt of the damage to my noggin. If i hadnt had it on along with my armored jacket i would have had the skin on my head, face, back and chest pealed off. Paints a nice picture! I had tons of good Samaritans like you stopped or stopping for me. People like you make me proud. I thank you for your efforts to helping that guy.
Oh, and the powder coating on the wheels looks friggin awesome.
Last edited by joshj808; 07-08-2009 at 02:53 PM.