Originally Posted by birdmanx1
Hey dude, sorry for the delay, currently on vacation and I managed to squeeze out to check out the forum, felt I haven't been on for ages. rarwz got it the new exhaust should go on 5/17 in the afternoon
B1ades  the work will be done at Hills Garage
Call me when you go there, I'm off that day in between finals on Monday and Wednesday. Should be a fun break from studying
Originally Posted by birdmanx1
Proving the folks on the Mediterranean Sea that MJ memories live on LOL
I wish we could do this in the US
Awaiting jaw-dropping sunsets in beautiful Oia, Santorini

Zuprman watches over the city
Originally Posted by birdmanx1
MJ's spirit got a hold of me and told me to climb a 2000+ years old temple and represent him. I happily complied 