May 7th Update:
Not much to pass on. Still collecting sponsorship and gathering raffle items for the event. If anyone has any ideas on businesses that might be interested in throwing in some cash donations or raffle items (gift certificates) please contact them or let me know and I can contact them. With this event being open to all Japanese Import sports cars, I am having some issues with finding raffle items for other make/models of car. If anyone can help out, I appreciate it. Doesn't have to be auto related even. We have some restaurants involved and I was thinking of hitting up some meat shops to get some meat to raffle off as well.
It is time to for me to start thinking of collecting payment for this event. I need to have everyone paid up by mid July but I am accepting payments now. I have two options for you. One is Interact Money Transfer, the other would be to snail mail me a cheque. Please contact me for details.
Current participation is at 61 cars and 100 people. That is amazing..., Thanks to everyone.
Last edited by DDonovan; 05-13-2011 at 03:21 PM.