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Old 07-07-2009, 08:52 PM   #6 (permalink)
AutoX Z
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Originally Posted by minnichs View Post
I also want to try it. How do you get started? Are there any places in the PA or MD area? Any info. would be helpful.
The best place to start would be by finding your local SCCA region. Here's the link where you can find that information:

SCCA - Sports Car Club of America

There is a good chance there are other car clubs in the area that put on autox events but I can almost guarantee that the SCCA club will be the most organized and safe.

In general events start at 730-800 in the morning and you will need to be there till 4 or 5pm. Entry fees are usually around $30 and you'll get at least runs at most events. Naturally the fewer people there the more run's you'll get. That's the basic information, I'd contact your local region for more questions since they all run slightly different depending on their size and the types of venues they use.

Oh and if anyone in the Houston area wants to give it a try let me know and we can meet up at the next event.
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