some of you may have seen a thread i started back when the car was a month old...
wife's Z was hit... :(
well, it got bumped again today. i was stopped at a traffic light that was backed up with traffic for a good half mile....talking on the phone with my wife...when i felt the car jerk, i threw the car in park and jumped out....PISSED! now to give you a mental picture of how i'm looking nowadays...i'm about 5'6, 235lbs, and a full beard that i havent touched since we found out my wife was pregnant. well i jump out and started say "WTF you doing!!!!" the poor kid was about 5'4, and maybe 150lbs....he looked terrified.
got to looking at the bumper and we now have two vertical dents underneath the license plate area caused from the area where his license plate should've been. there wasn't any scratches or paint transfer, he was going just fast enough to leave nice indentions...the guy tries telling me that you can barely see the dents, and i said i can see them just fine. he fumbled around his filthy grand prix looking for insurance papers only to come out empty handed....i immediately called the cops so they can come run his license plates to see if he has insurance....meanwhile, i've already jotted down all his info from his license and license plate #.
cop shows up, and says he won't file a report because the damage was so minor, and for us just to exchange info. i'm going to stop by the body shop that fixed the bumper from the last incident and see how much to fix it....