Originally Posted by FromG2Z
To be clear, are you referring to the OP's original claim of idle noise, or my reference to engaing 1st/2nd from stop? Or maybe BOTH?
I was referring to the OP's clame of idle noise.
Originally Posted by Davey
The OP.
Your noise (marbles rolling around when almost killing the engine from a stop) *might* be knock, but I'm not sure. There is also that "clunk" when going from 1st to 2nd at low RPM, maybe you are reproducing that same noise by trying to get the car rolling without enough RPM.
It is possible that it is knock, but doubtful. The tranny makes some ill noises, but still normal. It just doesn't like to be quick shifted, but you will have greater success once you become one with the machine, lol.