Originally Posted by antfd3s
Very impressed with those numbers and that curve. Props to Rt, Im sure the ride was no thing but a chicken wing up and cheese steak back. What better way to do a test comparison between a non uprev/uprev tune. On the ride back... How did the car feel on the highway performance wise? I already know the looking forward ride had you anxious.
Are you bitter cause Vince didnt allow you to drive on the Dyno?  
The highway on the way back is where I really noticed the gains. Traction is more of a limiting factor in 1st gear, but once you can get to open it up through 2nd and 3rd, the car pulls much harder. I can even feel the difference in 4th when passing. No issues at all with driveability.
I love having the different maps as well.. can't wait to valet it for the first time and watch the kid pull away only to realize it is limited to 3000 rpm / 30 mph. It is much harder to keep my foot off the gas now... My gas mileage will be taking another hit
This is the first time I have ever had a car on a dyno, so it was cool this time. Next time Vince better have me in the driver seat... maybe let me work the laptop and tune it too.... wait, I don't want my engine to blow up.