Originally Posted by EazyD
Yes!! Great to know you haven't used a water hose in a long time and still got great results. I'll definitely look into some Optimum No Rinse and QD.
Where do you buy your cleaning solutions?
More details on exact MF towels/mitt to get would be great. - off-topic: do you have pics of your saab somewhere?
edit: if any of this is available on Amazon, I just signed up for a Prime account 
To be honest, I flit around a number of detailing sites and whoever has the best deal is generally who I go for. All the Chemical Guys products I mentioned are best bought from CG themselves, however I use Detailers Domain, detailed image, Pakshak, and sometimes Autogeek if they have any good buy one get one deals.
If I kept this car swirl free without a hose using the aforementioned products and techniques, you can too! 1996 900se 2.0t with a GT28 turbo, full supporting mods and chassis mods (360hp). I sold it last summer with about 36,000 miles on it.... I'm blabbering now aren't I...