Getting Sunline Kit.. Need a great paint and body place for Pearl White!!! Help..
Hey guys - just ordered the sunline kit. I have the hardest paint to match - PEARL WHITE!! WTF.. So I'm needing a really good paint match body shop in the Seattle / Bellevue / Federal Way / Everette area. I don't care where - I just need someone to match this pearl white as best as they can. I undestand it's going to be hard, but I've also heard there are really good paint shops out there that will mix what they need to in order to get the paint close! I don't want someone to just get the paint code from Nissan and just do that color. I want them to get the paint code and then do tinting or whatever they need to do to match it.. Help as I'm soooooo anal regarding this matching..
Thanks guys in advance!!