I certainly see your points. If you can't do the oil change yourself taking it to the dealer is the right choice. No Jiffy Lube please!
I wonder why your temps are so much higher than mine. Maybe Nissan adjust the ECU tune in 2011 to make the car run rich? It would help possibly (to a limit) but I fly airplanes lean of peak all the time to save fuel and it also makes it run cooler. Too long of a discussion to have here but rich isn't always best. It's usually a compromise unless you have direct injection because the hottest cylinder has to be compensated for.
If your temps are that high I would ask the dealer to determine why under warranty rather than buy a cooler at your cost. That just seems to be running too high under normal driving conditions to be called 'normal'. Most cars don't have an oil temp gauge so who knows. I wonder what my S2000 is at normally for oil temps but I don't have a gauge. Ignorance is piece of mind for me.
The idea of keeping the car for 10 years is good, but is that realistic? What if you spend all this $ and the car gets salvaged in an accident (I hope not) or stolen (again, I hope not)? You won't be temped by the
new 475hp 390Z with AWD, twin turbo and 20" forged wheels for $25k coming out next year?
In all reality, most folks who spend huge amounts of $ for synthetic oils and such are really just giving $ to the next guy. Even with dyno Chevron oil a car engine will go 100k miles easily unless abused or mistreated. You won't get the benefits of reduced engine wear...the next owner will. To each his (or her
) own, I respect both viewpoints on the issue.