My 1fter shrimp tank is about 2yrs old matured with Anubias, Java ferns, and newly added flame moss on driftwood sticks only. However, I will be removing the front Java fern to add some hairgrass. It's occupants are Crystal red shrimps, cherry red shrimps and Amano shrimps.
My 2fter is a work in progress, however I've started the foreground off with some Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba" grown emersed first while my moss supplier is harvesting some new moss called Layer moss. That moss has neat and tidy appearance and will be planted on the driftwoods. As to the background, I'll be trying some Utricularia graminifolia if I can find any, if not it might be glossostigma elatinoides.
And I'll also be scaping my friend's 3ft deep triangle low tech tank... a real challenge trying to scape that one! But I've already prepared 5 nicely shaped driftwood to be tied with java ferns to make it look like a tree, have a moss wall, and some petite anubias at the bass.
Stay tuned!