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Old 05-03-2011, 11:57 AM   #116 (permalink)
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Inspector71 is on a distinguished road
Default This would have made it worse...

My dad only drove GM products: Chevrolet, Buick, Olds, I drove Chevies too, and so did two of my three brothers. But we had los of problems with them in the late 70s and well into the 80s. Our Citation tried to dissassemble itself while being driven. I worked for a city and drove either a Ford or a Chevy and the mechanics said the Chevrolets kept them in business. Maybe they are better but, after spending lots of money on repairs bills and dealing with uncooperative dealers, we all said enough and switched to other brands. My dad, who was a die-hard Chevy man, now only drives Hondas. He has had no problem with those cars. I could have told my neighbor this but the real rub was his definition of being an American. I could have told him my dad was in the USMC and fought in Korea, my mom was in the Navy, two of my brothers in the Navy, and I did my little part state side but I don't believe I have to prove my "American" credentials to anyone nor should I ask it of anyone else.
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