Originally Posted by ZforMe
As I, like some others on this forum, am comparing this to the Berk prototype, I'm wondering what advantages/disadvanatages there are between the two since Berk is using a flex coupling, FI is not?
Also, sound comparison wise, when re-listening to the Berk exhaust, it has a similar smoothness to this exaust. With Berk saying it will have a more exotic higher pitch tone with the X pipe, I'm wondering if these two exhausts will be nearly identicle.
I think they might be close. The prototype was with HFCs which are going to most likely sound a lot rougher. I wouldn't be surprised if the Berk's with stock cats sound pretty close. It's really going to come down to how similar the X pipes are and the mufflers.
The X pipe definitely results in a more exotic sound. With Mustangs if you wanted the deep, classic sound you went with a chambered muffler and an H pipe. If you wanted more exotic, racey sound you went with a straight-through muffler and an X pipe...
I went with the latter.