Thread: ITB's?
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Old 07-06-2009, 08:54 PM   #22 (permalink)
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regisbou is on a distinguished road

Look up meth/injection on google...its a very common setup for supercharged engines as well as turbocharged engine.

Suby's get around 15+hp just with the kit and their cyl head temps go way down. for the NA debate I dont give a doo doo if the fastet car in the world has 20 turbos and its the fastest one.

I AM SAYING that HP FOR HP N/A wins. Get that through your head, I dont care if a turbo can have 1800hp, I am saying that HP for HP 300 vs 300 or even 310 FI the 300 NA will win on the track.

End of story.

NA is more reliable as well. Nascar, Indy, F1, Moto GP all NA...go figure lol.

I agree that turbo's are the fastest top speed wise, and that they have the potential to rape NA's because of the whole HP per litre issue, but NA is always more rewarding. Better throttle response is a winner in my book.

I love turbo's dont get me wrong, but you saying that HP for HP FI wins i'm sorry but your argument is false.

Of course this has to do with the same car, same engine etc...

in good regards,

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