1) I havn't chased any of his posts as you wish to believe. It;s almost like you are of mine.

2) Suggest look up ZCON as then you will see what kind of event it really is. If you have never heard of it, guess this is your first Z car and you aren't a true Z enthusiast like some of us who have owned many Z cars.
Originally Posted by wstar
On what? People like you?
What I see is you stirring the pot constantly, because you're pissed off at whatever you and RCZ have disagreed about in the past on various threads. I don't really give a crap one way or the other about the useless entertainment threads, but I'm here to gather knowledge about my car and share knowledge about my car. RCZ is a 370Z owner who's trying out lots of stuff and posting lots of good info, so I like having him here.
You are a... what? Pissed off 350 owner chasing his posts and trolling him?
I sure hope you leave before me, too. You were here before me why? I came here because I bought a 370Z.