Originally Posted by spearfish25
The view as you were just waking up??? 
HEY NOW!!! I am not FAA!
I work 0000-0830.
I think it is going to be a fairly slow recovery process. From what I hear it is going to take a while to repair the Terminal since all the glass has to be custom made. I have not heard any plans for the C-concourse. The last thing I heard was it was deemed structurally unsound and no personnel other than airport authority & construction crews were allowed inside.
In the end I think we actually really lucked out. The airport took a pretty good hit but we got her back up and running quite smoothly. It was really amazing that we had no serious injuries. The extra unutilized space came in handy allowing us to quickly relocate the airlines to the B & D gates. The ATCT was not damaged in any way. A few Navaids were damaged and FAA tech ops is making repairs. We had a lot of damaged to the airfield to our lights & signs following the track of the tornado. Over 150 fixtures (lights & signs) were either damaged or missing). It made the nightly inspection an absolute bear.