i love this thing. I ordered directly through CraftSquare in Japan...had it shipped to my pops place, and he shipped it to me via post. wife has yen from like a decade ago when yen wasn't so strong so it didn't cost me much... like in my head $450.
actual price was 55550JPY shipped to my door... or about $685 if USD.
Im thinking most vendors will sell these $800-850 range.
the order took about 4wks lead-time. it was originally scheduled to ship after GoldenWeek, but the guy pull-in for me and shipped 2wks in advance.
comparing with the stock dumbo ears it's almost like 1/2 the size...and obviously light weight.
installation took me no more than 15min per side taking my dandy time.

there's really nothing to it. just take the door panel off, unscrew the stock mirror off, and swap with the TCA-F. do the window re-set and walla.
comes with illustrated instructions... it's in japanese but the illustration is plenty.
setting it up, all i did was drive around for a few mins, stopped the car, manually pivot the mirror to my liking. it's very easy to setup because the mirror is a convex reflection (not sure technical term) so it's very wide view. i can have a portion of the rear quarter reflecting in the mirror yet still have no blind spots.

no more walgreens stick-on convex mirrors needed on your dumbo ears for those that used them.
also, no more stupid blind spot when making left-hand turns!

this is perfect because we have a lot of silly donation collecting people

in busy intersections and now i wont have to worry about hitting them.
i took them up to expressway speeds, no whistling noises, no vibration.
highly recommended.