Originally Posted by crash1369
I have a feeling it's my car
I would have liked to explain how it works and everything it does, but there is just to much. I'm gonna have to do some studying so I can impress the mercedes dealer
It looks like a very well thought out unit with a plethora of options. Between the module, and actually getting to drive it again after so long I almost don't want to sell it now.
He said they should ready and available for purchase in about eight weeks.
8 weeks huh!? Dang... I was hoping for sooner but I guess I'll get to enjoy it for the second half the the summer. Looking forward to it.
So Crash... does your car now currently have the unit still installed? Is it working on your car or did they take out what they did, to replicate it and mass produce it? I am curious, did they offer you the unit for free or give you any special deal for being the guinea pig?