Originally Posted by shadspimp
Wait, my cousin has a Civic SI he never gets that white stuff in his car, no matter who goes in. I don't know if its BECAUSE it's a 370z maybe it is but he also has cloth seats and never gets it. I know it said only 370Z base owners but I'm just trying to help.
I own an Si too. When I had stock seats they'd get dirty just like any other fabric. It depends on the owners habits and where they drive/live really. My Bride Zeta III's do the same. It's just dirt/dead skin. The thing you need to worry about is the fabric wear and tear after wiping it down so often. All the frayed ends and fuzzies make the car look older than it is, so if anything, try not to clean it too often as weird as that sounds.
The same concept applies to washing your car. The more you wash it, the more you rub microscopic particles against the paint finish and make scratches and swirls, which requires buffing and polishing. Unfortunately you can't buff a fabric back to a new finish.

The only option is to buy a carbon fiber replacement!

...or I guess OEM would work too.
This is as easy as simple as getting a damp cloth and wiping it clean. Personally, I'd recommend a shampoo or something - anything from Meguiars or Mothers will work.