Originally Posted by esfourteen
Right, you didnt exactly say "design a better system" you just said "dont run a system that has some drawbracks, even though there is no alternative."
220 oil temp is safe yes, but i easily saw 240+ on the street here in NY. While the temperatures wont damage the engine, they certainly resulted in noticeable performance loss, not to mention the fact that the oil itself will thin out and wear down faster at those temperatures.
Oil gets well over 300* in the engine at certain points in its cycle. 240* in the pan isn't going to kill it. Yes, it will break down a touch faster, but with a good oil that shouldn't be an issue. It's well within the oil's designed operating parameters.
On the flip side, if you put a cooler in there, during the rest of your normal driving the oil might well be 150-170* and not protect nearly as well as it is thicker, has more resistance to flow, hurts fuel economy, and is not up to it's designed operating point.
There is a reason GM went to the trouble of preventing their cars from running around with mid 100* oil-temps.