Originally Posted by DrEvil
I have no regrets about getting my Z with the 7 sp at. In fact the price of this car was the deal maker. Don't get me wrong I love a manual trans, but I wasn't going to pay 6k more for the stick. Now that I've had the car for 8 months I find myself shifting manually more and more- and loving it. In stupid rash hour traffic I'll leave it auto, but on the open road I'll put it in manual and have a blast.It's nice to have a tranny that is actually built for that.I had an '03 Accord v 6 coupe that the tranny died at 30k-and I couldn't reaaly sift it like the Z.To me the at is the best of both worlds. 

(although I don't know why you found that the price of a 6MT was $6K over the price of a 7AT
