No, this isn't a Rodney Dangerfield throwback...
I took one of my workmates to lunch today down to the local Mexican eatery. This place is great! They make their own nacho chips fresh each day!
Anyways, while the food is great..the parking lot isn't. It's mainly composed of dirt.

I REALLY don't like having to park my freshly detailed car in dirt.
Anyways, we come out of the restaurant, I slide into the seat sideways and begin to beat my shoes together to get as much of the dirt off as possible... My workmate climbs in as I'm vigorously ridding my shoes of what dirt I can and he just plops his size 13 loafers right down in the floorboards..fully laden with dirt and debris! I'm like WTF man?!
I am ALWAYS conscious of other people's belongings...generally moreso than I am of my own....and to have this disrespect and utter lack of regard for something that I cherish so much really told me something about this fellow. He won't be riding in my car again anytime soon.