Originally Posted by CrookedTeeth
Anyone whos test drove this car possibly driven an Evo X? I was interested in as to how the two compare 
I owned an X before I got my Z... With the X when you go around a turn fast - you get the feeling of - hey this car is smooth and i must be a smooth driver - wrong - the car is doing a million calculations for you to enable each and every turn be as smooth as possible. With the Z its just you, the tires and the steering wheel. Also the point of no return (oh **** moments) come linearly with the Z - that is when you are about to loose traction the car will give you signs all the way until the traction loss is not recoverable from. With the Evo x however you get this false sense of security backed by the AWD of always thinking you have a lot more room to go as far as pushing the car. Trust me on this one - I flipped mine over during a very very spirited run on some mountain roads.
Honestly it comes down to this- if you are getting the car for a pure driving feel perspective - get the Z ... if you want to become a better driver - get the Z. If you just want to go fast in a line or just drive on a track without really caring about much - get the X. Pretty simple really.