yes they are legal again
full auto ones however you have to have a special permit and on top of that the weapon had to have been originally manufactured as full auto and cannot be a converted full auto (example is an ak47 there are only a handfull of legal registered full auto aks in the hands of citizens the rest belong to military or law enforcement)
for you to buy one of those the price alone is a turn off as you would spen close to 10-15k for a legal ak47
no automatic weapons for personal use were allowed to be manufactured after the firearms safety act of the mid-early 80s (it was earmarked in the bill which primary intent was to allow for mail order ammunition sales)
i have an AK47 semi auto (but bump shooting gives me my fullauto fix)
you can buy the full auto conversion online for the ak (ftf industries i think) but wheras posession is legal including th templat for drilling the extra rivet and all the parts to do so
utilizing them however is a federal offense
the ar is just a sear and a bolt filing and its all drop in and owning the sear alone is against the law from what i have been told
this one time, i had a civic that could rape liter bikes