I've seen a lot of threads about people adding (or wanting to add) their own back up cameras to their cars.
I'm assuming this is because after living with this car for a while you've all learned that it's a pain to see while backing up? Yes? Or is just an item that people want because it's cool and you can? Basically, is it out of necessity, techy cool, or a bit of both?
I'm planning to order my car soon (Sport Package only, no NAV), and I'm wondering if I should just fork out the $785 up front, or go the aftermarket route and install it myself? I know that you can get a Homelink Mirror for a lot cheaper on line, but then it's the whole install thing.
So assuming the back up camera is necessity, it's a matter of money up front vs. my time, effort, opening stuff up in the car, and making sure it works.
So can anyone tell me off the top of their head how much a Homelink Mirror with Camera should cost online? When I went looking last year at just the regular Homelink Mirror (no camera), they were about $225 to $250. I just need to weigh the cost to effort ratio and be done with it when I order the car.
Thanks for any advice or answers you can offer --- Bonzo