Originally Posted by frost
I think your stories are fine for the people who want to read them, but I do believe they don't need to be new threads. As our community grows and grows, it's becoming harder to sift through all the threads. Just two months ago, only 2 pages of updates would take place in a day, now we are more than double that.
If I could make a polite suggestion, there is a preexisting thread where everyone has taken great liberty in posting this kind of stuff. I think some of these things may be best placed here:
Ok guys, now I think we are getting somewhere with this.
But instead of it going into the useless thread, because that thread seems to be 90% non-Z related, could we make a more appropriate thread where inexperienced sports car drivers can go to learn from eachother's experiences and mistakes. This way mistakes (getting loose with soapy tires, overcorrecting steering, doing burnouts in the box unnecessarily with street tires) can be voiced and people who find it useful (new Z owner that has driven a truck his whole life) will take note that, 'hey, don't get on it for a few miles after the wash.'
Maybe title it: "370Z lessons learned" or something like that?
edit: went ahead and started a lessons learned thread and found some old bits of advice to start it off. This should help everyone I think.

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