I am going to get several pistols upon my return from afghanistan.
I am going to get the M&P9 range/carry kit and a XDM40. I am looking at getting a conceal carry weapon as a daily carry. I have talked to people who carry full size pistols, but most of them wear jeans even during the summer. I am an island guy, so I enjoy wearing flipflops/slippers and shorts. I was looking at getting the SW Bodyguard 380 since it is perfect as a pocket pistol.
I have read that finding ammo for the 380 is difficult and expensive. I have always wanted a G27 or a G26. Plus, I figured that I should get a 9mm or a 40SW CCW since i'll have a full size 9mm and 40SW.
Since I am in the military, I do not need to take the CCW course, but will take it when my wife is ready to take one.
What do you guys suggest? What do you carry?