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Old 04-18-2011, 01:47 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FromG2Z View Post
Hi all... after I got my CBE installed this past weekend, I am getting smitten by the "light" mod bug. I was debating between K&N drop-ins or just WIX filters for now, then maybe doing a G3 intake next time, when funds become available.

My question is this... I KNOW I have read all over here before of folks that have dyno'd their G3's and their CBE's either alone or together, but I can't seem to find the actual graphs of both of them together.

Can someone please either link me or point me or tell me what WHP gains I can see from just doing a G3 intake paired with a good quality CBE? I know I have seen folks get up to the 300whp range with just those 2 mods? I plan on keeping the stock cats and headers... just those 2 mods mentioned is all I plan to do. What do you think I will be laying down? anyone have graphs?


p.s. Anyone's thoughts on WIX filters that run them in the stock intakes??? I'm worried about the K&N oil/MAF issue and also costs a lot more
Intake and cat-back together will yield between 15-20 increase in HP if you keep your stock cats, sorry no graph though. This thread should be in the intake/exhaust section.
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