the car is perfect now,someone advised me that it takes some time for the new coolent to be runnin properly and the air gets 100% out , so wht ill do is
wait for sometime and see wht happens, if the problems occurs again,i will start by changing the coolent to a normal coolent liquid(mobile) for example andsome water wetter or something like that and make sure the air is out,ill
also install a new CSF radiator just to be in the safe side,ohh by the way ,yes i am in the middle east, and the car does have 2 oil coolers thanks to the owner of the car that didnt spare anything to make the car so damn
good, the best guy to deal with period.
i tried the car today at 6pm , it was 32c, hot night, and its perfect , but didnt stop for a long time , but regardless ill do wht i mentioned above.
ill keep u posted on the outcome when i change the coolent and radiator
so all of us know who are in hot climates should do it as well and not run distlled water, although i dont think thats the issue/was the issue , but we will see
, thank u all for sharing